As a B Corp™, Endeavor is counted among snowboarding businesses like Burton and WNDR Alpine that are leading a global movement of business as a force for good. A holistic approach to sustainability, B Corporations lead a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.
“B Corp Certification endorses why our team shows up every day and outlines a clear roadmap of where we are going,” says Bruce Wells, Endeavor’s Director (and Max Jenke’s father-in-law). “The B Impact Assessment is an amazing tool that provides an incredible framework for continuous improvement on what we have already established.”
“When I started Endeavor, the goal was to make snowboarding products as a creative outlet,” reflects founder Max Jenke. “Over the last twenty years, I’ve realized that Endeavor Design is much more than products we love – it impacts so much more and on a scale that is farther reaching than I could have ever dreamed.”
Certified B Corporations are a new kind of business that balance purpose and profit. They are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, supplier, community, and the environment. This is a community of leaders, driving a global movement of people using business as a force for good – we are honoured to be a part of this incredible community.
“As a Certified B Corporation, we’re now part of a global community of businesses that believe business success is not defined by just one thing, but by performance across financial, social and environmental metrics,” comments Brand Manager Joel Giddings.
Always Endeavor.